
Google Chrome…

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I have been using Google’s browser called ‘Chrome’ since Oct. 13 and I find my self using it on a daily basis now.   If you track the software that I use on Wakoopa then you already know this.

Chrome seems to be even a little faster then IE 7 or Firefox and definitely has some features that put it ahead of the competition in my mind.  I like the fact that the web pages that I visit most often are right on the home screen when I launch the browser and the instant search built into the URL line.  The one other feature that I enjoy tremendously is the ability to grab a tab and move it to a new standalone browser window and then if I want I can drag-n-drop the tab back into another browser window.

What do you think of the Google Chrome browser?


Update: new browser & new mobile tech on the way…

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So… this morning I decided to download the Google Chrome browser now that I have seen all of the different browser performance test bench studies that actually show that the Google Chrome browser is actually pretty smooth and fast.  I will post a review of my experience in more detail in the future.

My new mobile tech on the way…is the new T-Mobile G1!  I am so excited about this device.  As you probably know from earlier post that I currently have the T-Mobile MDA.  I do like the MDA and all of the functionality but it is time for an update.  I thought about getting an iPhone but I don’t like be pre-told what I can and can’t do with my own device.  So, the T-Mobile G1 device will work out perfectly for my needs and with Open Source you definitely don’t have to worry to much about limitations.  iPhone killer? Yes, that is just my opinion but we will see overtime.

What do you think about the Google Chrome browser?  Are you getting the T-Mobile G1?