WHS2011 Project Update…

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As I have mentioned in the past I am working on creating a WHS2011 add-in with my brothers. This is a slow process for us guys as this will be the first application development project we have ever done. We have thought about the Windows Home Server platform and what it has to offer along with what is still missing in functionality. We all have agreed that extending the IIS functionality of the WHS2011 would be a great way to go. 

Our idea is to create a package for WHS2011 users that will create a child site off from the parent yourservername.homeserver.com/?  This idea has been done before with WHSv1 but when you are creating something new it is nice to have a previous idea to build off from.  The add-in that I am referring for WHSv1 is called P80.  We think this is a really good idea and has plenty of potential. 

One thought on “WHS2011 Project Update…

    Snowdins said:
    December 8, 2011 at 3:32 AM

    If you need any help with this let me know. I am the author of p80. Its nice to see this sort of app being created for 2011. I no longer use whs nor plan too but if you would like some help or contacts to integrate other addins to yours send me an email.

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